Thursday, February 28, 2019

Jump Ahead To Spring

Begin with a classic suit that can be worn now as well as later.

Fashion Plot Gene Marshall in an OOAK suit ensemble.

Film star Gene Marshall updates her smart traveling suit from Diane on Whidbey Island with a hunter green suede tilt topper, leopard suede gauntlet gloves, and her favorite scarf from The Couture Touch.  Train case is from D.A.E. Originals.

White Orchid Gene Marshall in an OOAK suit ensemble.

As the weather warms, Miss Marshall will turn to a dramatic straw topper inspired by a 1939 Schiaparelli hat.  Hat, scarf, and gloves are from The Couture Touch.  Handbag is from D.A.E. Originals.  Jewels from Ashton Drake.  Click HERE for more on this striking hat.

White Orchid Gene Marshall is from JamieShow.

Fashion Plot Gene Marshall in an OOAK hat from The Couture Touch.

Fashion Plot Gene Marshall is from Ashton Drake.


  1. Miss Marshall knows that nothing says Spring like a new hat! What a striking stayement when Mother Nature awakes...after all, a new hat is a better forecast than a groundhog! --Monsieur Érik

    1. Read *statement* apologies chère Melissa; autocorrect for sure! --Monsieur Érik

    2. Here, Here! And the groundhog sure missed it this year! All I can say is: Where's Spring?!? LOL! Thanks so much Monsieur Erik. Melissa
